Lolly Ranchers
$8.00Lolly Ranchers are created with your favorite Jolly Rancher candies that have been freeze dried to a flavorful light crunchy delicious treat.
A delicious variety of fruity freeze dried candy. Skittles, Fruit roll-ups, starburst and more.
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Lolly Ranchers are created with your favorite Jolly Rancher candies that have been freeze dried to a flavorful light crunchy delicious treat.
Yittles are created with your favorite skittles candies. Freeze dried to flavorful crunchy perfection.
Fruity rolls are a cruchy delight. Freeze dried fruit rollups transform into a flavorful crunchy treat. Slightly puffy and full of flavor.
Nerdy Yummy Clusters are …. you guessed it, Nerd Gummy Clusters. From a chewy texture, to a light and delicate crunch. Loaded with flavor.
Yum Burst reds are our version of freeze dried Fav-Reds starburst. From chewy to crunchy and loaded with flavor. These crunchy treats are a little harder than some of the others and that adds to the enjoyment. Long lasting tasty treats.
Sweetie tart crunch is created with sweet tart mini chews. Freeze drying these chewy little tart candies plumps them up and makes them crunchy. Sweet tasty treat on the front end and the tart tanginess on the backend. These are so fun and flavorful.
Yum Burst are our version of freeze dried starburst. From chewy to crunchy and loaded with flavor. These crunchy treats are a little harder than some of the others and that adds to the enjoyment. Long lasting tasty treats.
Freeze dried laffy taffy is truly a marvel to behold. This candy transforms from a hard chewy sticky candy, to a light fluffy flavorful treat.
Freeze dried salt water taffy is truly a marvel to behold. This candy trandform from a hard chewy sticky candy, to a light fluffy flavorful treat. This crunchy delight practicaly melts in your mouth with a flavor that is amplified from the original. simply delicious.
Yittles are created with your favorite freeze dried berry skittles candies. Freeze dried to flavorful crunchy perfection.
freeze dried Tub O Y-ittles This freeze dried Tub o Y-ittles is filled with cruchy delicious and fruity bites of freeze dried skittles. Dryed to crunchy perfection these candies eat…